'Orenstein Hoshen Strategic Media & CrisesManagement' - OH! Has been selected to handle the communications activities of theAmerican real estate giant and Fortune 500 firm: JLL.
JLL is a world- leading professional services firmthat specializes in real estate and investment management. Founded 240 yearsago in the United Kingdom, JLL is now a Fortune 500 company with annual revenuesof $19.4 billion, operations in over 80 countries and a global workforce inexcess of 100,000. JLL manages and operates a staggering 4.6bn square feet andis traded on the New York Stock Exchange at a valuation of approximately USD 8billion.
JLL established its Israeli office in 2018 under themanagement of Mr. Ziv Shor. With more than 250 employees in the country, JLLoperates across all facets of the real estate industry and owns the mostextensive research division among global real estate firms. In addition, JLLspecializes in investment and project management, design, finance, building,management and asset operation. JLL also provides brokerage services to leadingglobal companies and Israeli clients.
Ziv Shor, CEO of JLL Israel, said: "JLL's operations in Israel aregrowing rapidly, and it is currently establishing an independent local researchplatform alongside the international one. An experienced communicationsconsulting firm is an indispensable tool for the business operations of anycompany that appeals to a broad target audience - especially in a complex era,where data-driven decision-making becomes essential."
Itamar Hoshe, CEO and Co-Founder at Orenstein Hoshen - OH!, added: "We are delighted and excited torepresent one of the world's most influential real estate firms. With aprofessional and experienced team and unprecedented research and businesscapabilities, JLL helps world-leading companies develop real estate strategiestailored to their needs in ever-changing local and global markets. We lookforward to promoting better understanding and appreciation of JLL’s operations.”
Orenstein Hoshen – OH! has grown to become one of Israel's mostprominent public relations firms in recent years. The firm was founded in 2017by Hedan Orenstein and Itamar Hoshen and specializes in crisis management andstrategic communications consulting for leading clients in the fields oftechnology, economics, infrastructure, capital markets and law. The company'swebsite stipulates that its personnel specialize in "consulting and dealingwith media issues requiring professional, precise, dedicated and reliablehandling" and that customer service is delivered by "proficientcommunication consultants". Among our clients: The Teddy Sagi Group;Ayalon Group; Tadiran Group; The R&D center of tech giant SAP; Americantechnology pioneer - Yahoo; WeWork Israel; Geely - The top electric vehiclebrand sold in Israel and China; Generation Capital; Top Gum; various Israelicompanies traded on the TASE, and some of the largest and leading law firms inIsrael including Arnon, Tadmor-Levy, M. Firon & Co. and Pearl Cohen.
'Orenstein Hoshen Strategic Media & CrisesManagement' - OH! Has been selected to handle the communications activities of theAmerican real estate giant and Fortune 500 firm: JLL.
JLL is a world- leading professional services firmthat specializes in real estate and investment management. Founded 240 yearsago in the United Kingdom, JLL is now a Fortune 500 company with annual revenuesof $19.4 billion, operations in over 80 countries and a global workforce inexcess of 100,000. JLL manages and operates a staggering 4.6bn square feet andis traded on the New York Stock Exchange at a valuation of approximately USD 8billion.
JLL established its Israeli office in 2018 under themanagement of Mr. Ziv Shor. With more than 250 employees in the country, JLLoperates across all facets of the real estate industry and owns the mostextensive research division among global real estate firms. In addition, JLLspecializes in investment and project management, design, finance, building,management and asset operation. JLL also provides brokerage services to leadingglobal companies and Israeli clients.
Ziv Shor, CEO of JLL Israel, said: "JLL's operations in Israel aregrowing rapidly, and it is currently establishing an independent local researchplatform alongside the international one. An experienced communicationsconsulting firm is an indispensable tool for the business operations of anycompany that appeals to a broad target audience - especially in a complex era,where data-driven decision-making becomes essential."
Itamar Hoshe, CEO and Co-Founder at Orenstein Hoshen - OH!, added: "We are delighted and excited torepresent one of the world's most influential real estate firms. With aprofessional and experienced team and unprecedented research and businesscapabilities, JLL helps world-leading companies develop real estate strategiestailored to their needs in ever-changing local and global markets. We lookforward to promoting better understanding and appreciation of JLL’s operations.”
Orenstein Hoshen – OH! has grown to become one of Israel's mostprominent public relations firms in recent years. The firm was founded in 2017by Hedan Orenstein and Itamar Hoshen and specializes in crisis management andstrategic communications consulting for leading clients in the fields oftechnology, economics, infrastructure, capital markets and law. The company'swebsite stipulates that its personnel specialize in "consulting and dealingwith media issues requiring professional, precise, dedicated and reliablehandling" and that customer service is delivered by "proficientcommunication consultants". Among our clients: The Teddy Sagi Group;Ayalon Group; Tadiran Group; The R&D center of tech giant SAP; Americantechnology pioneer - Yahoo; WeWork Israel; Geely - The top electric vehiclebrand sold in Israel and China; Generation Capital; Top Gum; various Israelicompanies traded on the TASE, and some of the largest and leading law firms inIsrael including Arnon, Tadmor-Levy, M. Firon & Co. and Pearl Cohen.